So, the big ticket item: I'm 20 weeks today. "At the top of the hill". The way up the hill has been pretty easy. I wasn't sick and I didn't have any complications. Opie might think differently, he had to deal with my raging hormones more than I did. He lived though.
My expectation for the hill going back down: Uncomfortableness... I have a tiny little belly; Big enough that I can't button my pants, but still not anywhere near what I thought I would be so far. I think we can rule out twins since I'm still so small.
We have our first ultrasound next Monday. We aren't going to find out the sex of the baby. When people ask and I tell them that we aren't finding out, people seem to think that I care what they think about the decision. Well... I guess people have been reasonably nice when they don't agree, but some have been down right rude. But like I said, I don't care if people think it is stupid or not. It's not their baby, deal with it. I have my reasons; None of which I need to share.
The biggest challenge so far as been picking out baby stuff. One, I don't know what I need and don't need. Two, there are a gazillion different brands of everything and I can't seem to decide which I want.
I've felt the baby move, usually I don't realize that is what it is until I am resting. It's very weird. I know it will get even more weird once I recognize it's body parts moving across my belly.
Well, that is all I have to report right now. More to come I am sure!