Max is amazing and we are doing great! There have been a lot of things that I didn't expect and a lot of things are exactly like I thought they would be (even if people told me they wouldn't).
The biggest thing that I didn't expect was to have such a hard time Breastfeeding. I had heard from so many people about how amazing the experience is. My experience hasn't been anywhere near amazing; it's been quite frustrating actually. It hurts and it seems like I am constantly feeding him. It is pretty much a roller coaster. We have a good day typically followed by a bad night followed by a bad day followed by a good night etc. But it does seem like it is getting better (or at least I hope so)! I did read a good article that has given me some encouragement. If you are also having a hard time breastfeeding, read it!
The lack of sleep has been exactly like I thought it would be. I actually do quite well on little sleep (at least I think so, Opie might disagree!) haha! He will sleep anywhere from 1-4 hours. It all depends on how he eats. If he has a full belly, he will sleep for quite awhile.
He is a great baby. He doesn't cry much; just when he is hungry. As of today he weighs 9 pounds 6 ounces and is 22 inches long. That is almost a pound and a half gained in a month (like I said, he likes to eat!) He is strong and holds his head up for quite awhile during our burpings and tummy-time.
I can't wait for the coming months to see how he grows and how his personality develops!