Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I like my iPhone, but there is one thing that bothers me. My videos don't upload to the iCloud. All of my pictures do, but my videos don't. This makes me mad. 

I have taken a lot of pictures and videos of Max. And now, my phone is telling me that it is running out of space. OH NO! What do I do with my videos? Also, me being the crazy worried person I am, I can move the videos to my computer, but WHAT IF something happened to my computer? 

My father-in-law uses Drop-box. I love this app and software, because one, its free and two, it will upload my photos and videos automatically. I delete my photos off there, since they upload to the iCloud. BUT you only get 5G of space and let's just say, that isn't even close to enough for my videos.

It is a great tool and I can save some of my videos, so if you are in the same jam as I am, sign-up! It's free!! 

P.S. And if you use my name, I get extra space! Help a momma out!! 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Magic Butt Cream

This past spring I was at my wits end because Max had been sick and put on antibiotics. While I have other reasons for not giving him antibiotics every time he is sick, they have horrible after affects with him. He had terrible diarrhea for 3-4 weeks! Then he has a terrible diaper rash.

I tried everything, Cloth diapers, letting him go naked, natural creams, regular creams.... nothing worked. Until my amazing day care provider told me about Magic Butt Cream. She said that her pediatrician told her about it. They can give a prescription for it, but it is cheaper to make at home.

I googled the recipe and found this site: http://www.savingaddiction.com/?p=28077 and scrounged up all of the components. I had everything but the Maalox. I had used the Clotrimazole when I had Thrush. It was kind of expensive, but it made a lot!

Well, I mixed it all together and used it on him and BAM, 2 hours later, the rash was gone! It is AMAZING stuff!

A couple of weeks ago, a lady a work was talking about her grandson having a bad diaper rash and I told her about the Magic Butt Cream. She didn't use it right away because she has just gotten a prescription from the doctor, but when that didn't work, she tried the Magic Butt Cream and it went away the next day! She was soooo thankful!

I needed to use it again yesterday and thought that I should shout about this stuff from the roof tops! So blogging it is!!

So, for any mothers, future mothers, grand mothers, baby sitters, aunts, sisters, let everyone and anyone know about this whenever you hear their kids have a diaper rash that just won't go away.